# type 'a mlist = MNil | MCons of 'a * 'a mlist ref;; type 'a mlist = MNil | MCons of 'a * 'a mlist ref # type 'a queue = {mutable head : 'a mlist; mutable tail : 'a mlist};; type 'a queue = { mutable head : 'a mlist; mutable tail : 'a mlist; }
# let create () = {head = MNil; tail = MNil};; val create : unit -> 'a queue = <fun> # let q : int queue = create ();; val q : int queue = {head = MNil; tail = MNil}
# let add a = function {head = MNil; tail = MNil} as q -> let c = MCons (a, ref MNil) in q.head <- c; q.tail <- c | {tail = MCons (_, next)} as q -> let c = MCons (a, ref MNil) in next := c; q.tail <- c | _ -> failwith "enqueue: input queue broken";; val add : 'a -> 'a queue -> unit = <fun> # add 1 q; add 2 q; add 3 q;; - : unit = () # q;; - : int queue = {head = MCons (1, {contents = MCons (2, {contents = MCons (3, {contents = MNil})})}); tail = MCons (3, {contents = MNil})}
# let peek = function {head = MNil; tail = MNil} -> failwith "peek: queue is empty" | {head = MCons(a, _)} -> a | _ -> failwith "peek: queue is empty";; val peek : 'a queue -> 'a = <fun> # peek q;; - : int = 1
# let take = function {head = MNil; tail = MNil} -> failwith "take: queue is empty" | {head = MCons (a, next)} as q when !next = MNil -> q.head <- MNil; q.tail <- MNil; a | {head = MCons (a, next)} as q -> q.head <- !next; a | _ -> failwith "take: queue is broken";; val take : 'a queue -> 'a = <fun>